I decided to have a look at Vanessa Beecroft because of her use of the female body in performances. I find her weird and bitchy, in her performance VB51 in 2002 she told the participants that there would be three acts, each signaled by a bell, the first in which they stood still, the second they could move around and the third they could do as they pleased.
No bell rang and the thirty participants waited and waited, some having to be carried out at the end. Cruel.
Interesting how i some works she makes the models look androgenous and shaves their pubes. I don't really get it, the weird relationship between viewer and participant. All in the same room, some object some subject, all real people but they live out the roles expected of them.
Crazy crazy bitch.
The above picture is my favourite work of hers, because it looks like hair over the model's faces. The masks are translucent (i hate that word its stupid), you can sort of see through them but not, its like one of those spider nests with the ball of white sticky web you almost would expect to see spiders spilling out if you sliced a hole through the side.
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