'People with power have always eaten meat'-Carol Adams
I read an article in Feminism- Art theory an Anthology by Hilary Robinson. It discussed a work by Jana Sterbak called Flesh Dress for an albino (1991) which was a dress made out of strips of beef. It drew comparisons between women and animals, it also drew a shitload of criticism. The most negative feedback centered around wastage of food which is hypocritical. I won't go in to cmparing how much more resources meat production uses compared with vegetables it just falls on deaf ears.
Did you slay that chick last night?
Whips, chains, leather restraints, tethers yesss?
Women sympathise with animals, relate to or are related to animals; playboy bunny, sex kitten *vomits* It is degrading for both parties being objectified and used in such a way.
Sarah Lucas. Bunny 1997

Women engage in self deprivation, offering the men the best food in the house which is most often the hard earned luxury of eating meat. Well in my household this is the case, my mother always gives dad the best and largest quantity of meat often missing out on it herself. Men are viewed as weaker if they are vegetarian, not that it takes any strength or skill to buy a packet of bacon, its incredibly masculine to eat it.
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