Went to artspace last thursday and met up with Robyn the new curatorial intern about doing some volunteer work. Alicia Frankovich is having a show there in May so i thought I would have a wee lookie lookie at her work. I can't find a lot online but from what I've seen it reminds me of an exhibition i hated at the dpag by Simon Denny. I didn't understand it at all. I'm not going to try and like it either.
Aside from that Robyn had some really interesting things to say about Frankovich's performative works, one in which she was suspended from the roof and swinging into desks that were all stacked up like a house of cards. Frankovich documents her performances which is something I am having an issue with, but she does interesting things with the documentation eg; slowing down video footage when it is played back, bringing new perceptions of time in to play. Playing with sound, removing and adding, manipulating. So many new possibilities :) smiles :)
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