Monday, June 8, 2009
Pictures of final set-up minus the actual art work
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Video Art: Dead or Alive?
Chris, Cynthia. Video Art: Dead or Alive. Afterimage; Nov/Dec 1996, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p4.
ISSN [03007472]
This article proved to be a little bit irrelevant because it was so old although the last one i read was incredible!! This pales in comparison, here's what i did salvage from it;
From what i gather the author thinks that video as a medium peaked in the 1990's and now due to budget cuts and is image as a medium for students and amateurs it is DEAD.
The temptation to cross over from video art to film and earn real money money money drew a lot of artists away from it. Video was seen then (and is now) as lacking in critical legitimacy when compared to film, and almost as a testing ground for artists that want to venture in to film making. Salla Tykka looks to be one of these people (that is a very shallow statement) but she draws on film history using a score reminiscent of Hitchcock, and her films have a kind of narrative, they are constructed and not performances with some sort of narrative.(note on her website 'the F wrod' haha) Her works Zoo and Cave are one of the very few video pieces that i actually sat down and watched, that along with the current exhibition of Yinka Shonibare. I was pissed off to find that his video looped after watching it for ages, i never did see the whole thing :( Video with narrative does not work as well as a reversed loop i feel. I find that if a video work is part of an installation i am less likely to watch it and more likely to give it as much attention as i would a painting. For this reason i decided to show my video works by themselves and not as part of a wider installation.
"Video, it has been noted, is a field in which it is harder than usual to make money"-Martha Rositer, 'Video, sharing the utopian moment'. No shit.
The article then goes on to state that few artists are 'able' to turn their work into something commercial. This lady is missing the point... In the early 90's it was TV culture, that has been replaced by net culture. Net culture is awesome. Anybody can make a video, most people in NZ own or have access to something that can capture footage. That doesn't make video redundant as a medium with this sudden influx of accidental snapshots and film that look good made by aunty Di and Granny Cush.
ISSN [03007472]
This article proved to be a little bit irrelevant because it was so old although the last one i read was incredible!! This pales in comparison, here's what i did salvage from it;
From what i gather the author thinks that video as a medium peaked in the 1990's and now due to budget cuts and is image as a medium for students and amateurs it is DEAD.
The temptation to cross over from video art to film and earn real money money money drew a lot of artists away from it. Video was seen then (and is now) as lacking in critical legitimacy when compared to film, and almost as a testing ground for artists that want to venture in to film making. Salla Tykka looks to be one of these people (that is a very shallow statement) but she draws on film history using a score reminiscent of Hitchcock, and her films have a kind of narrative, they are constructed and not performances with some sort of narrative.(note on her website 'the F wrod' haha) Her works Zoo and Cave are one of the very few video pieces that i actually sat down and watched, that along with the current exhibition of Yinka Shonibare. I was pissed off to find that his video looped after watching it for ages, i never did see the whole thing :( Video with narrative does not work as well as a reversed loop i feel. I find that if a video work is part of an installation i am less likely to watch it and more likely to give it as much attention as i would a painting. For this reason i decided to show my video works by themselves and not as part of a wider installation.
"Video, it has been noted, is a field in which it is harder than usual to make money"-Martha Rositer, 'Video, sharing the utopian moment'. No shit.
The article then goes on to state that few artists are 'able' to turn their work into something commercial. This lady is missing the point... In the early 90's it was TV culture, that has been replaced by net culture. Net culture is awesome. Anybody can make a video, most people in NZ own or have access to something that can capture footage. That doesn't make video redundant as a medium with this sudden influx of accidental snapshots and film that look good made by aunty Di and Granny Cush.
artist models,
Hair ideas from ages ago...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Real Bodies: Video in the 1990's
tele- distance
Real Bodies: Video in the 1990's
Art History [0141-6790] Lajer- Burcharth, Ewa. Year 1997 volume 20 pages 185-213
Fantastic article i read online in the database, 29 pages long so i skimmed it but wish i could have read the whole thing!
Gary Hill
I believe it is an image in light of the other (1991-1992)

Video work using images of text and the male body, rotating as if to imitate the turning of pages which can be heard through the audio with the installation. Hill 'defamiliarizes' the body, uses the screen as a mirror. Ok. i took down notes too quickly and now i have no idea what context they were in. Lajer-Burchart mentions Lacan a lot, firstly his idea of " The Real", experiencing ones bod as a remnant or loss, incompleteness of the self under the gaze.
The monitor is a ubiquitous object that structures our experiences and reality of ourselves- how true is this for the majority of the population?
The monitor is a ubiquitous object that structures our experiences and reality of ourselves- how true is this for the majority of the population?
Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye.- Bill hicks

'You constantly see and thus imagine yourself and the world as a screen image'-pg 190 Lajer- Burcharth, Ewa
This work features sixteen caseless monitors, why didn't i think of that? Each shows a fragment of his body; foot, torso, chest, back, diddle. By saying diddle did i make it awkward...? These images together create a whole but fragmented body, intimate close ups of skin that barely seem to move creates abstract shapes and textures. In the article his work is described as 'anti- television', it does not tell a story, has no narrative, (it loops) and destructs the television as an object, taking it out of its original frame and letting the artists skin become the screen.
You relocate trust and knowledge of your body to the image on the screen. An example that comes to mind is looking fat in a photo, you're going to believe what the image tells you. Rather than looking down at your physical body you judge yourself based on images of it in photographs and videos because you believe that this is what other people see. By YOU i mean humans collectively and not necessarily everyone or even the person reading this. We think that technology knows us better than we know ourselves, and we put our trust in it. Scales to weigh yourself, personality tests online, the women onscreen having ideal bodies, faces, hair. wan.
You relocate trust and knowledge of your body to the image on the screen. An example that comes to mind is looking fat in a photo, you're going to believe what the image tells you. Rather than looking down at your physical body you judge yourself based on images of it in photographs and videos because you believe that this is what other people see. By YOU i mean humans collectively and not necessarily everyone or even the person reading this. We think that technology knows us better than we know ourselves, and we put our trust in it. Scales to weigh yourself, personality tests online, the women onscreen having ideal bodies, faces, hair. wan.
Mona Hatoum
Corps etranger 1994

This work is my favourite of Hatoum's, it consists of a cylindrical viewing booth with circular projections on the floor of endoscopic views of the inside and outside of her body. Being projected from above you have the option of walking around the image or through it, becoming the screen yourself. She has recorded the sound of her heartbeat and breathing which plays inside the installation. The Real Bodies article describes the work as a sexual threat, vulgar, disturbing and distasteful (awesome :)) The images projected move between interior and exterior views and are all unfamiliar views of the body that are usually excluded from images of the self. These views of the body have been made visually intolerable by dominant cultural representation of the body. We are use to seeing images such as the ones i have made, 'pretty', sexual, feminine. The viewing booth is like when you go to a sex shop and pay $10 to go and have a beat while watching porn. eeew. This is so unlike porn even though it is images of the artists vagina and anus among other things. The extremely close up microscopic views are like medical images so you don't get those erotic connotations of sex, penetration etc.
My work definitely has those sexual connotations. The video of the lips (Edit 1) it very sensual, the dribbling slightly removes it from being purely sexual, making it clumsier and dirty. Mastication of the self is very different to this, more violent, dirtier in a literal sense, more feelings of abjection, disgust. It feels like the lips are now in control, they are still the same lips but have shown that they are not purely a sexual object. The hair being consumed is of the same body as the lips. Both hair and lips are fetishized, revered, beautiful, feminine. This is all subverted when the female is consuming itself. Apart from the fact that nobody would be willing to eat hair for an art project, it is important that the lips belong to me, that it was my idea to 'endure' this act and I'm doing it to myself without (direct) pressure from someone else.
Red Porn is my favourite as i feel it can stand on its own as a video work. It combines the previous two videos in the way that it is still sexual but the more you watch it the more you are repulsed by it. It is something you want to look at but in the same tone feel that you shouldn't be viewing. The image of the lips first came about when trying to imitate screen siren posters with their seductive smiles and inviting pouts. Stills from my footage could be mistaken as a still from a Hollywood film.
My work definitely has those sexual connotations. The video of the lips (Edit 1) it very sensual, the dribbling slightly removes it from being purely sexual, making it clumsier and dirty. Mastication of the self is very different to this, more violent, dirtier in a literal sense, more feelings of abjection, disgust. It feels like the lips are now in control, they are still the same lips but have shown that they are not purely a sexual object. The hair being consumed is of the same body as the lips. Both hair and lips are fetishized, revered, beautiful, feminine. This is all subverted when the female is consuming itself. Apart from the fact that nobody would be willing to eat hair for an art project, it is important that the lips belong to me, that it was my idea to 'endure' this act and I'm doing it to myself without (direct) pressure from someone else.
Red Porn is my favourite as i feel it can stand on its own as a video work. It combines the previous two videos in the way that it is still sexual but the more you watch it the more you are repulsed by it. It is something you want to look at but in the same tone feel that you shouldn't be viewing. The image of the lips first came about when trying to imitate screen siren posters with their seductive smiles and inviting pouts. Stills from my footage could be mistaken as a still from a Hollywood film.
Imagined resolutions- photoshop

I went in to some businesses on Queen street and left letters with them explaining my artwork and asking if it were possible that i play it on the televisions they have in store. Glassons has a block of nine case-less screens on the wall that build one large image, and Bond and Bond have an arrangement similar to the one shown above. So far they haven't got back to me saying yay or neigh neigh but fingers crossed! I would like to have it playing in there with customers around but i doubt this would be allowed. I would sneakily put it in there and play it but that is a little bit activist and would interfere with the feeling of the work.

Here is a list of 'related videos' that come up when you watch mine on youtube...
Horny Lesbians having lesbo sex lesbian playtime
Free Big Booty Porn
Girl Fuck Porn
Lego Counterstrike...?
you get the picture.

Does it hold anybody's attention? Why do people crowd to watch it at galleries and just walk past paintings? The blog post i mentioned earlier was titled "A Painting is worth a thousand moving images". It takes more time to watch a video, if you don't like a painting you can walk past it, whereas with moving image you want to find out what happens next, humans are very inquisitive. I explored this in an artwork last year that seemed to be just Bars and Tone (that particular version omits the tone for some reason), the tone plays and people would stand there staring at these bars of colour expecting a film to start. The bars and tone just looped continuously. This familiarity with television and film is what drives us to watch it even in a gallery setting. TV is a lazy way of getting information essentially, it's fed to you while you sit there and all you have to do is stare at its carefully calculated stimulating visual images. I have a problem with playing my work on plain televisions because they are just too familiar, they're ugly and they are no longer just screens they are TV.
final work,
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Final installation
I played around a little bit with the arrangement of the monitors, there's not a hell of a lot you can do but it is surprising what difference little adjustments can make to the overall feeling of the work. I would really have loved the Close up video to be played on a larger screen, or projected onto a wall BUT the lighting conditions in the studios do not allow for that. I could put it somewhere with less light but that wouldn't suit either... darkness and that image =seedy yuck.
A huge screen would be great, i looked into hiring one but it didn't quote any prices, i was thinking of getting one of those hanging screens that they use for advertising, it somehow projects from the rear of the screen.. i don't know :(
I've decided to leave the sound of the water running playing with my monitors, mainly to drown out the humming noise made by the crusty broken TV sets. I wish i had a screen with no edges, it looks great played on a mac but i would hate to have that shitty apple logo glaring at people

which means covering the framing of the monitors with something. THEN you would need a flat surface or some sort of casing surrounding them and it all gets a bit complicated. I have had video works inside little boxes before and it didn't make a huge difference to how they looked it was just a lame formality that i felt i should use.
I really wanted to incorporate the hair i have been collecting into my final work but it doesn't seem to quite fit. I like having the hairballs arranged in a linear format in individual bunches. This could work if the TV monitors were also in a grid like formation but i would rather have them slightly facing each other so that they envelop the viewer.
final work,
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Collages and arrangements

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand License.
I was arranging all of the penfifteen pictures on the wall and wondering what to do with them. The interesting element (for me) is who has drawn them. I arranged them on photoshop just to see if any trends were emerging apart from the obvious fact that boys draw more elaborate and grotesque penises than females do. aaand well thats all i found :) oh and art kids are awesome penis drawers aswell, especially emma catastrophic and her multi tool penis which you can see if you go to the penis blog.
I think i will leave this project to a later date when i have more drawings because there simply aren't enough at the moment :)
Friday, May 29, 2009

Playing around with colour. The original clip was very muted, pastel tones even though a i had bright red lipstick on. I played around with RGB balance and levels to try and make the lips stand out a bit more. Final cut has similar tools to photoshop in this respect so i found it easy to get the look i wanted, although it could be a little less red. I tested the DVD's on a TV earlier and the contrast was ludacris but it turns out it was just that particular TV. phew. A little unhappy with the DVD's, i tried my very best to get them to match up, looping footage and putting similar lip movements at the beginning and end of the dvd's but all of them have a slight glitch.
FCP doesn't like HD footage. I don't like FCP. After watching all the tutorials on the apple website, no, enduring all the tutorials TWICE i still could not burn a dvd, after seeing IT guy he gave me a handout that explained it, missing out 567876 of the steps they tell you to do in the online tutorials. THANK YOU!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand License.
this video is a great altered version of the first edit i made. I love that it is essentially the same video it has just been zoomed in and turned around. I put it on youtube, its so moisty and gross like a seacreature. Much like marilyn minter. possibly too much although the display of my work will be vastly different to hers. Hers was situated amongst billboards and advertising, mine will be a little more intimate and less in your face than her work. I feel her work is quite removed from the human body whereas mine looks very visceral but it confuses which body part you are looking at.
Comments from friends
vaginal discharge :)
im gonna be honest... its a little creepy yea
Wow, cool. Strange, but very cool.
imagine how many yuk ppl will touch their bits watchin that. eeekk
wasnt doing anything untoward, watched with interest mingled with that mixture of disgust and fascination which seems to be appropriate.
vaginal discharge :)
im gonna be honest... its a little creepy yea
Wow, cool. Strange, but very cool.
imagine how many yuk ppl will touch their bits watchin that. eeekk
wasnt doing anything untoward, watched with interest mingled with that mixture of disgust and fascination which seems to be appropriate.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
plans. planes. automobiles. television times three

final work,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
mastication of the self
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand License.
Chewing hair. love it. loving the dirty dribble, the moistness grossness and the ewww. I've played around with this a bit because it is quite short, i slowed it down and the feeling is totally different, less abjection and repulsion and more fascination. I played it at 20% of the normal speed and the detail in the hair is incredible! Its almost more painful watching it in slow mo, like the mouth doesn't want to eat the hair and is struggling to do so. In the video above the mouth is ravaging it and chomping it in a frenzied manner. I also tried a video where i had portions of it in this jerky motion and parts of it at 20% speed. Not sure if i like it??? I think when played next to the other two videos it would look better to have one in contrast played at high speed. The other two are at pretty much normal frame rate BUT they do not have the hair in the mouth. So maybe playing the hair one at a range of speeds will tie it in more closely with the other two because of the differing subject matter. geeeeezuz. Oh and i cannot for the life of me figure out how to burn a dvd!!! and i can't do any tutorials because i forgot my headphones. poo poo.
self harming,
Monday, May 25, 2009
Video work
billy apple your website is stupid. and i can't see anything on it apart from a link to email you. I was trying to find the work i had seen in which billifred applehead displays used tissues from nose bleeds he has collected and other items of abjection but to no avail. I remember watching a video about it last year, maybe this year????

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand License.
First edit of lips. Why the fuck did i not upload this two weeks ago! because you didn't know how and had to sit through tutorials by an american australian man oooh goody my two favourite accents.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand License.
First edit of lips. Why the fuck did i not upload this two weeks ago! because you didn't know how and had to sit through tutorials by an american australian man oooh goody my two favourite accents.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

i see this on the back of buses every day.
Get a famous celebrity to endorse your hair product. Photoshop it to look like she has ten times the amount of hair any real person has.
Looks real enough.
Ignore the fact that said celebrity is a cancer sufferer.
what/?? they have shitloads of hair.

This mundanely named person hit on me whilst i was wearing an over-sized acid wash jacket, a side ponytail and electric blue earrings. stoat. well he gave me this card so i guess its mine now and i can do as i please with the information on it:) can I??
a new aesthetic. pron.
"Your Brain projects the missing information, then your imagination fills it in and feels the pleasure of participation"- Hideki Ono
After considering that quote i think it could be interesting to work with some images that are less confrontational and leave a lot to the imagination. But the lips collage does leave bits o the imagination!!! w.a.n.panic. shiza. fotze. I was thinking of animating the collages i ave made, or the images and have them looking like stills but with subtle little movements, like those intimate little noises and things you do when you're really relaxed, sleeping for example.
I was reading the latest issue of adbusters yesterday, and decided to go and buy it because i wanted to show people all of the stories, they're very relevant to my work. Or maybe i just agree with everything they say... they had this excerpt in there, i found the original on the website and took a screen shot. Suicide normalized, a boring cliche on the screen but something traumatic and heart breaking in real life. This girl is probably dead now but how will you ever know?

It also featured an article by Dougas Haddow "Pornocalypse Now",
Very insightful. I don't watch porn so was unaware that a man making a girl spew out her nose while performing oral sex then urinating in her mouth and eyes was adult entertainment. It makes me want to spew out my eyes I hope i never see anything like that. ever. If things like that are commonplace on the internet, which is after all FOR porn then whats so bad about saying cunt? When is it acceptable to say that? People freak out if you say vagina it amuses me, best to call it 'down there', and don't say that you're going to the toilet, say 'bathroom' it leaves a little to the imagination.
eew. and the 'mytaxback' man stopped me yesterday in the street.
Have you filled out your tax return
oh you have, actually i think i recognise you, are you at AUT?
oh auckland uni thats right. I do remember your green hat.
how much tax did you get back
thats still something. better than nothing
thats enough to buy another two hats, how much was that hat
ok one hat then
where did you get it
its cold down there, what is your favourite colour
why do you want to know mine
mine are blue white and black
black is very generic, everybody like black, see.
i like blue for my clothing
but i use green for the walls, the carpet, the curtains and the bed sheets
i like green too
you know pantone, the manager of pantone says that blue is the most attractive colour for a male
and pink for a female because it makes your skin glow
do you wear pink
can you write your email address here
ok thank you and what is your phone number
you don't know your phone number?
do you have a boyfriend
i take you out for coffee, i'll be your boyfriend
if i email you dont email me back. no, please do.
have a good day
Monday, May 18, 2009
Alicia Frankovich - A plane for Behavers
I volunteered at artspace serving drinks for this exhibition. Everyone was nice but it was awkward not knowing anybody so i didn't end up going to the workshop and dinner the next night, i couldn't be bothered with having to reject non vegan food then listen to her talk about her work while i was quietly chewing off my hand. I Don't know what to say about her work, I only saw the performance where she was carried around by people. The people participating looked really stoked and acted like it was hard work carrying her around, "did you have a go?" as if it was a game or an exercise machine, something physically challenging for them. Then later on a man came up to me and asked if i was her
no, not me
yes you are *laughs* so... *art rant*
sorry wrong person, i was just serving the drinks
*ho ho ho* no you werent. so tell me about the suspention performance?
at this point amanda just leaves the building
no, not me
yes you are *laughs* so... *art rant*
sorry wrong person, i was just serving the drinks
*ho ho ho* no you werent. so tell me about the suspention performance?
at this point amanda just leaves the building
Sunday, May 17, 2009
creating spaces
"Don't look for the disco ball and laser light show, look for the light on light off"
or put sunglasses on it.
I had a talk with tim the other night about things and stuff and life in general. Mostly about how i keep everything, i have so much STUFF and i love it. I like decorating my room and making little personal spaces that i feel comfortable in. It stressed me out so much moving in to a house where i had nothing and we weren't meant to put posters on the wall. I collect lots of little things I like and make them into an interesting bunch of amandaness. yay for me.
My artwork seems to be a bit disjointed, i like only certain parts of it like the hair on the mirror, the lips collage, and a few of the photographs. I like the dampness and wet, the grotesque hair, the references to the body, the bathroom. None of these things stand alone as a work for me so i thought maybe i should apply what I do in my personal spaces to my artwork and create an environment with aspects of all of my little art works. I would like a space like my bedroom or a bathroom, somewhere with more artificial light, darkness, water, dirt, damp, enclosed. Pretty much somewhere unlike my studio which is bright white with sunlight spilling through.
Unrelated junk...
Blu Tac. I went to buy some blu tac to stick all of the doodles to the wall and seriously, what the fuck is blu tac? Its rubbery plasticy shite, probably raping the environment with its production. I never thought about it like that until i calculated my carbon footprint here and found that it will take 1.5 planet earths to sustain my lifestyle... that is quite depressing. What else is interesting... walking to the bus stop and seeing fat little children with arms full of pies and chips for breakfast, or eating an entire packet of squiggle tops. Child abuse! I took my takeaway mocha into the bathroom with me and knocked it onto the floor so it was covered in sludgy brown spalshes like chronic dihorrhea. so gutted. I heart huckabees, why had i not wached that until now? I love the scene with the family that had taken a Sudanese orphan into their home, so funny! and people are so like that...
or put sunglasses on it.

My artwork seems to be a bit disjointed, i like only certain parts of it like the hair on the mirror, the lips collage, and a few of the photographs. I like the dampness and wet, the grotesque hair, the references to the body, the bathroom. None of these things stand alone as a work for me so i thought maybe i should apply what I do in my personal spaces to my artwork and create an environment with aspects of all of my little art works. I would like a space like my bedroom or a bathroom, somewhere with more artificial light, darkness, water, dirt, damp, enclosed. Pretty much somewhere unlike my studio which is bright white with sunlight spilling through.
Unrelated junk...
Blu Tac. I went to buy some blu tac to stick all of the doodles to the wall and seriously, what the fuck is blu tac? Its rubbery plasticy shite, probably raping the environment with its production. I never thought about it like that until i calculated my carbon footprint here and found that it will take 1.5 planet earths to sustain my lifestyle... that is quite depressing. What else is interesting... walking to the bus stop and seeing fat little children with arms full of pies and chips for breakfast, or eating an entire packet of squiggle tops. Child abuse! I took my takeaway mocha into the bathroom with me and knocked it onto the floor so it was covered in sludgy brown spalshes like chronic dihorrhea. so gutted. I heart huckabees, why had i not wached that until now? I love the scene with the family that had taken a Sudanese orphan into their home, so funny! and people are so like that...
hate filled rant,
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
cutty cutty cutty paste paste paste

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand License.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand License.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand License.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand License.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand License.
Monday, May 11, 2009
California Grunion
^^^That is my green Porno name. Sounds like i like it rough with a but of grunting and onions. If you don't know what Green Porn is you're missing out BIG time! So strange and so amusing. Isabella Rossellini is one mental bitch.
I love the informal approach she has taken, how humorous it is, her crazy voice and her matter-of-fact way of thrusting and penetrating as if she has always been a praying mantis with a praying mantis penis.
Thats all i have to say until i fully get my head around it. Watch the whale one it is awesome.
I love the informal approach she has taken, how humorous it is, her crazy voice and her matter-of-fact way of thrusting and penetrating as if she has always been a praying mantis with a praying mantis penis.
Thats all i have to say until i fully get my head around it. Watch the whale one it is awesome.
artist model,
green porno,
isabella rossellini,
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hannah Hoch

bisexual.. anti war (supplies!), Hannah was the only woman in the in crowd when it came to DADA. May have something to do with sleeping with someone else but thats beside the point, that ended badly with her liking women instead. DOn't screw the crew. Whoever made up that saying is crap at rhyming its like don't pick your nose or do not push this button.
her collages feature women's bodies and ancient artefacts. She sourced pictures from magazines targeted at women and through her work showed awareness of the difference between women in the media and women in reality. Not so hard to make that correlation these days... Look at PSD's i effing love that website! makes me feel a lot better about myself, my photoshop skills, my intelligence AND my appearance.
The work on the left is titled 'Marlene' and was made in 1930. The legs in the air on top of the plinth replace what looks to have bee a phallic column of some sort. There are lips in the top right hand corner oooh lips i use lips newwwssflash relevant relevant. I love the simplicity of her montages, using just a few different images so each has weighted meaning and is carefully considered. I like these much more than the ones that look like a toy box full of random shit, my life looks like that I don't want my art to!
artist model,
hannah hoch
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