Thought i better put these up and discuss them a little bit. I really didn't know what to do with the hair, after bathing in it, eating it, making balls, photographing it, drawing with it, i'm out of ideas. When i arranged them like this i liked that you could see each individually formed ball. The linear format suggested time which i liked because it showed the process of collecting the hair each day. I thought about putting each ball with other items and objects i had cast off that day such as make up removing pads, dirty clothes etc. This would be a lot like Tracey Emin's 1999 work 'My bed' in the way that it would use things just 'as they were' as such just taken ot of context. THis would not convey the message i would like though, i want people to look at the work and be fascinated and drawn to the aestheitc of it as well as feeling uncomfortable and repulsed.

Some of them are quite beautiful and sculptural, the way the hair curves and is so three dimensional. It also looks beautiful just stuck to the wall of the shower, very art nouveau with the curves, dark lines and organic shapes. The above image is like some sort of mythical bird or fairy i heart it.
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