I put my film in the drying cupboard, it disappears.
I hire out an HD camera for the week and somebody else takes it. yay. not to worry i'll just film at work its not like i hired it on that particular day for a reason.
Photoshop advanced tutorials consist of using selection tools and masks and talking about printing profiles.
There is no vege caravan. not that there are any vegetarians... maybe i'll start a mums home cooking caravan everyone here lives with their parents.
The keyboards are all filthy brownish grey, no wonder I'm sick. If you're going to have a mac suite for gods sake clean the keyboards it is repulsive. I hope someone gets my cold from them :) never washing my hands again.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Walead Beshty

C-prints mounted on plexiglass
18 x 22 in.
Walead Beshty
I'm unsure if this is the artist i was looking for, i wanted the guy that photographed a man with his head inside a washing machine. It was really cool and dealt with phenomenological experience but this guy MUST be that guy because this guyis doing pretty much the same thing I just can't find any information on it.
digital implications
I hadn't though about this until i started using film just yesterday. What a heat rate that was, the film looks under developed and i was using the wrong setting so they're all blurry... contact sheet to come but its pretty nil. When i went to print the digital photos i had taken the computer automatically crops them to fit the page, if it hadn't done this I may not have thought to crop them myself. They look a lot better this way, and the colour is slightly different when printed which for the most part makes them look shit house but sometimes it can bring to light something you hadn't previously thought of. So colour and cropping have a lot to do with the digital medium. Just discovered that my film was a colour black and white or something silly so its needed to be processed in colour chemicals. hurrah. it still has images on it which is cool but i can't print them myself at school, everything will have to be done at a photo place fucking expensive ridiculous shit who uses film... i need to get some black and white film!!!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
i hate this subject and I don't know what to say about it for fear of contradicting myself, upsetting someone... whatever. Anyhoo, I hated my gender issues lecture series last year. I can't see that there are any issues, there are none that effect me. In short I did not give a shit. Oh but what about all the women before you that worked so hard to get you where you are today and give you equal opportunities.... the same can be said for anything i.e the computer I'm typing on. Its somebody's lifes work. And why should i feel LUCKY?? relative to what, the women from last century well i don't feel lucky because i can't compare. I do not care. no no no no no. wooooo. In my work i never intended to raise issues around feminism but with my materials and subject matter it couldn't be avoided so I will cover ideas and issues that are relevant to me. me me me me me me m me eme mem eme anemone.
I don't feel suppressed or taken advantage of as a woman, if someone fucks me off they know about it and will die a slow and painful death for being such a stain. I don't want women and men to be equal, they cant be they're not the same thing. give and take...men get all he hard labouring jobs (generally) but women have to give birth... look nice... gender arguments go on forever and branch off in to so many different little arguments so i'll stop now
I don't feel suppressed or taken advantage of as a woman, if someone fucks me off they know about it and will die a slow and painful death for being such a stain. I don't want women and men to be equal, they cant be they're not the same thing. give and take...men get all he hard labouring jobs (generally) but women have to give birth... look nice... gender arguments go on forever and branch off in to so many different little arguments so i'll stop now
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Lots of kisses!

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what can i say... i don't know why i did this, i have no concept and no reason for making this other than this;
the anne noble style hair pic looked like a bearing which is what happens when a ewe is lambing and her insides pop out of her vagina. So... after cutting out all the lips to make a montage they started to look so fleshy and pink and gross and overlapping them seems to make it look more disgusting. yay. I like home-made images and graffitti of genitals i find it very amusing. Everyone is just a tiny bit sick in the head and these reveal that. Tim and Matt found these quite hard to look at yet they draw penises at every opportunity. why do people draw penises everywhere it fascinates me?
Cindy Sherman. lol. roflmao. lmao. lame.
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artist model,
cindy sherman,
the gaze,

Just had a great chat with Laura in my class who seems to be a million times more knowledgeable about photography than myself and she pointed out a few things,
1.My photos are all completely different in colour and lighting, i need to choose the one that works best to get my message across.
2. what exactly is my message???! Its moved so far away from being about animals skin and human skin to being feminist abject self portraits looking at the gaze. *sigh*
3.play around with the images i have, photoshop the shit out of them so that they all look the same if that is what i need, de-saturate, take out all the information that isn't needed in the photos and make them more about my yet to be discovered message of truth and enlightenment. *aaaaaahhhhh ambient enya like music*
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Gaze
"If a bird were to paint would it not be by letting fall its feathers, a snake by casting off its scales, a tree by letting fall it's leaves? What it amounts to is the first act in the laying down of the gaze" Lacan, J. Four Fundamental Concepts.
It is not conscious descision or will that creates these 'paintings' but something internal/ (physics? laws, hard determinism). The painting is still a reaction to something
I have been reading this book
Bracha L. Ettinger. The Matrixial Gaze. Feminist Arts and Histories Network, Leeds UK, 1995.
It is a little off the topic but i find it so interesting!! I really need to get back in to reading Lacan and Merleau Ponty I forgot how much it made me think and how awesome it is. Feminist literature gives me the shits (can you say that in Auckland?) in other words it scares me. I wonder who the feminist writings are directed at??? moi. moi moi moi.
We look at the Gzae and we are longing for it, desiring to be looked at by it but it is always hidden from us (insert comparison with double slit experiment here). For Lacan every object or absent object is a phallic object, symbolic of the castration process. This was also true for the 'object a' of the Gaze as well.
"You can never look at me from the place from which I see you. Conversely, what I look at is never what I wish to see"-Lacan
I see myself seeing... I have had such horrible dreams lately, one in which my skin was rotting on my face, peeling off like when you drop acid on paint and it bubbles and decays. I also dreamed about zach but he was dead but glowing green and white and I felt so privileged to have seen him. Hmmm,
Just a note, obviously my sentences are lacking in structure and have no grammar and trail off or never finish or pop up in the middle of things BUT this is just a working space for me, not something highly polished :)
It is not conscious descision or will that creates these 'paintings' but something internal/ (physics? laws, hard determinism). The painting is still a reaction to something
I have been reading this book
Bracha L. Ettinger. The Matrixial Gaze. Feminist Arts and Histories Network, Leeds UK, 1995.
It is a little off the topic but i find it so interesting!! I really need to get back in to reading Lacan and Merleau Ponty I forgot how much it made me think and how awesome it is. Feminist literature gives me the shits (can you say that in Auckland?) in other words it scares me. I wonder who the feminist writings are directed at??? moi. moi moi moi.
We look at the Gzae and we are longing for it, desiring to be looked at by it but it is always hidden from us (insert comparison with double slit experiment here). For Lacan every object or absent object is a phallic object, symbolic of the castration process. This was also true for the 'object a' of the Gaze as well.
"You can never look at me from the place from which I see you. Conversely, what I look at is never what I wish to see"-Lacan
I see myself seeing... I have had such horrible dreams lately, one in which my skin was rotting on my face, peeling off like when you drop acid on paint and it bubbles and decays. I also dreamed about zach but he was dead but glowing green and white and I felt so privileged to have seen him. Hmmm,
Just a note, obviously my sentences are lacking in structure and have no grammar and trail off or never finish or pop up in the middle of things BUT this is just a working space for me, not something highly polished :)
the gaze
Anne Noble
Anne Noble- Ruby's room 1998-2007
more on ruby's room series here, i HIGHLY recommend looking through all of the pictures to get a better sense of what she is talking about, the significance of time and why the images could be considered sexual.
"Anne Noble has long been acknowledged as a major figure in the evolution of photography in New Zealand, and today she is regarded as one of our most significant mid-career artists....
In a time when so much photography seems conspicuously posed or an artful emulation of the casual snapshot, the dignity, quietude and measured pace of Noble's photographs is strangely arresting and almost always profoundly moving."
Priscilla Pitts, Director, Dunedin Public Art Gallery source

Confronting and provocative, innocence of childhood, experiencing things through the mouth. The reaction of the adult viewer... when so many children have been exploited, exhibitions closed for their seemingly sexual content involving children. What is she trying to say? Is it perverse? Is it art? Art school has art written on the side of it now :P
Noble captures her subjects over time; maternal observation. Looking through the series the photos do somehow become more sexual over time. I think the use of lipstick and fishnets has a huge part to play in that, and the tongue ties up with rubber bands from braces is almost a fetish portrait. Her daughter looks around 2 at the beginning of the series (i have no idea really i don't know how big babies are..), so now she must be in her teens. How wrong. wrong wrong wrong its not cute anymore its pornographic. so confused with why people think things are porno or pedo and what not. These pictures aren't exactly adhering to any beauty ideal and nor is the subject, not that beauty equates to art. faaark.
more on ruby's room series here, i HIGHLY recommend looking through all of the pictures to get a better sense of what she is talking about, the significance of time and why the images could be considered sexual.
"Anne Noble has long been acknowledged as a major figure in the evolution of photography in New Zealand, and today she is regarded as one of our most significant mid-career artists....
In a time when so much photography seems conspicuously posed or an artful emulation of the casual snapshot, the dignity, quietude and measured pace of Noble's photographs is strangely arresting and almost always profoundly moving."
Priscilla Pitts, Director, Dunedin Public Art Gallery source

Confronting and provocative, innocence of childhood, experiencing things through the mouth. The reaction of the adult viewer... when so many children have been exploited, exhibitions closed for their seemingly sexual content involving children. What is she trying to say? Is it perverse? Is it art? Art school has art written on the side of it now :P
Noble captures her subjects over time; maternal observation. Looking through the series the photos do somehow become more sexual over time. I think the use of lipstick and fishnets has a huge part to play in that, and the tongue ties up with rubber bands from braces is almost a fetish portrait. Her daughter looks around 2 at the beginning of the series (i have no idea really i don't know how big babies are..), so now she must be in her teens. How wrong. wrong wrong wrong its not cute anymore its pornographic. so confused with why people think things are porno or pedo and what not. These pictures aren't exactly adhering to any beauty ideal and nor is the subject, not that beauty equates to art. faaark.
artist model,
copyright motherfuckers,
the gaze
photo shooting lipstick choking
This was not to bad... after gagging the first time i manages to take quite a few photos, some are cool but most are boring glamour shots, one liners. My favourite is the one that is blatantly Anne noble. It looks better turned on its side. I think i will make a montage of lips
i want to be in a magaziiine....
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Dopey looking
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munch munch
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subtle but lame
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hairy monster fanny a la tommy brough
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nom nom
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loving desaturation at the moment
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self portrait
Saturday, April 18, 2009

p.s im about to spend 1800 on a camera
hate filled rant,
why photography sucks
Thursday, April 16, 2009
another year goes by
ok i have to get a few things out there before i can think straight
that video stoked me out so much on so many levels and i've watched it 8 times today. shhh.
So i had a go at putting an idea in to action with photographing hair coming out of my mouth. I wanted it to be wet so tried to do this in the bath. not working amanda, cameras do not swim. So i sat and choked on a hairball until my eyes watered and let the water drain from the bath while my camera sat lazily on the tripod getting moist. Cameras also are not a fan of moisting although this camera has had many a moisting in many different ways. photos to come... but they are all crap. I really need underwater casing for my camera, or a new camera, or someone to HELP ME!!! tim come home :( xx
Valie Export
Confronting Voyeurs with a body that returns the Gaze
Aktionshose : Genitalpanik 1969- Performed at a Cinema in Munich
Wearing crotchless pants and weilding a machine gun, wouldn't you be stoked if this creature stormed in to the middle of your porno?
Tapp und Taskino 1968
The curtain rises for your hands, welcoming your touch rather than your gaze. Private show people, 30seconds each and when times up I'll just start staring at you... A bit awkward, being a public place and boob groping is going on. Export just looks at her watch while the action takes place, waiting for it to be over. It makes me think of peoples stories of sex, tired of it and wanting the other person to hurry up... Breaking taboos, sexual acts in public places.
To me the box seems like a child's version of a cinema, children can create anything out of a box. It is quite informal, crafty in its use of materials.

Wearing crotchless pants and weilding a machine gun, wouldn't you be stoked if this creature stormed in to the middle of your porno?

The curtain rises for your hands, welcoming your touch rather than your gaze. Private show people, 30seconds each and when times up I'll just start staring at you... A bit awkward, being a public place and boob groping is going on. Export just looks at her watch while the action takes place, waiting for it to be over. It makes me think of peoples stories of sex, tired of it and wanting the other person to hurry up... Breaking taboos, sexual acts in public places.
To me the box seems like a child's version of a cinema, children can create anything out of a box. It is quite informal, crafty in its use of materials.
crazy bitch,
the gaze,
valie export
the first step

This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence.I had a dream last night that Candice was carefully sewing little pieces of paper onto my finger tips using shiny red cotton. It hurt like fuck but i had to get it finished. Now i want to know what it feels like

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self portrait
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

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So i haven't written on here in over two weeks, doesn't mean I have been up to fucks. i swear. I lost my precious notebook with all my notes in it about life and art but it is currently in the post on its way back to me (i hope) :(
I Watched Zeitgeist the other day, can't remember if i mentioned that already but its a poorly made film with extreme ideas. Interesting none the less but not really anything to rave about. The thing that most interested me was the whole Jesus phenomenon. I was all like WOAH after watching it but quickly settled back into normal life and mundane thoughts within a day. Amanda doesn;t care enough... maybe because its such a negative film, tell me something fun i can do to make change not something shit that I have overlooked and... and... ?
I did a photo shoot thismorning, i like the pictures but will still see if i can improve them in photoshop. There is boobage and ts embarassing but i think it looks nice so shush.
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